Why every big project comes with an impossible task😢!!

  • 3
    That's the reason y its big
  • 1
    Sad but true...
  • 0
    Wait until client complaint, it will be more complicated
  • 0
    I did some of the front-end, whole backend. build and manage the SQL + elasticsearch database. After all of this, only 17 lines of mother fu**er code ruined my life. The client is asking for code. And.... And... Can't say anymore.

    input {
    file {
    path => "/home/rsa-key-20200528/aslogger.log"
    type => "java"
    start_position => "beginning"

    output {
    stdout {
    codec => rubydebug
    elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
    index => "aslogger"
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