*Looking at code you wrote 6 months ago*

I should just throw it all out and start over

  • 2
    Like anyone would actually spent time reading legacy code
  • 6
    I always have this problem looking at my old code in one of my projects. I'm constantly rewriting everything.
  • 3
    @theZorgEffect when your day job involves fixing bugs in it and you're not allowed to throw it out unless you can guarantee 100% backwards compatibility with existing data, some of us have to actually read legacy code.
  • 0
    @alyx of course. I was talking about situations where i have a choice
  • 0
    Start over then. Its the best imo
  • 0
    No! Don't! It's a bad business move. My advice- read joelonsoftware.com
  • 1
    "THIS time we'll build it the right way" - Every Dev Ever
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