Went into Facebook's source code to update the colors from blue to green and black (don't judge me) and saw this in the console log lol. Didn't know people were that gullible...

  • 18
    I'd like to know how console.log supports font sizes and colors. I suppose I should look it up sometime.
  • 3
    😁 didn't know this one.

    Nice find!
  • 8
    @juneeighteen on chrome if you add %c and the a css string as your second argument it will apply the css to the log message
  • 2

    I think you can get the token from local storage and do an Ajax request back to a dodgy endpoint... Guess work, but I think that is one way of doing it. Also, you could enable a pop-up where they type in their details, and again they are posted to a dodgy endpoint.
  • 1
    Disregard the warning, the console still works. Google removed this feature where it was possible to disable the console
  • 7
    You won't believe, people actually freak out when they accidentally tap F12 and this shows up.

    I have seen it.
  • 9
    @HoloDreamer When I've seen it for the first time, I freaked. Just because I have never seen COLORED console log before that. Judge me, hehe.
  • 5
    console.log('purple text', '%cfont-weight:bold;color:rebeccapurple;', { someOther: 'data' });

    nonstandard feature in Chromium Developer tools and I believe firefox's as well
  • 4
    @KittyCrumpet check out the chrome extension called StyleBot I I use that so I can override different websites css. So far I've made a dark theme for Facebook and StackOverflow.
  • 1
    @Snowdrama - Nifty! Thank you good sir!
  • 0
    @KittyCrumpet they have changed it a little bit now go on and check..
  • 0
    @Snowdrama thanks man !! For the reference
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