No amount of backend code is seen as progress by client.

Have a web store app project that is running and looking beautifully and is currently connected to nothing.

Got scolded this week for not having any new deliverables.

Spent 15 hours on security updates and database architecture.

  • 11
    Gotta balance your front end and back end updates so you always have new front end stuff to show. Or just only show them bits at a time.
  • 0
    Totally agree.
    Issue was, another client had a 'server emergency' that ate up the time set aside for front end.

    Sometimes stuff just happens despite planning.
  • 5
    Here, this will explain it better.
  • 1
  • 0
    @nerd-san yes, all projects are priority, didn't you know that?

    From above: "Prioritize All The Things!"
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