Having to deal with stupid testers who think your app should be resistant to water and black magic and report a bug if it is not

  • 1
    Haha nice
    Upgrade your phone to full IPX7 water resistance by installing an app
  • 1
    @gnaaah not to mention the testing env is not even close to the production one...so most of their tests are useless and can actually be performed and fully covered by US devs...*sigh*
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    Or if a gwt page displays errors when it's server is shutdown.
  • 1
    Reminds me of the time a tester came upon our internal API documentation page and thought they found some sort of exposed master control center and reported it as a critical security bug.
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    @tamashii I honestly think that the dev community should eliminate the testers roles from Dev teams....the only true testers I acknowledge are ProTected.
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