Me: So here's the completed website.

Client: *goes to Google and searches for media agencies india* What the hell is this ? I was told that my name would come on the first page in Google.

Me: Sir, we had quoted to build SEO friendly pages and not for doing SEO.

Client: This is fraud. How the hell could you cheat me by using these technical words. I want my name on the first page in Google.

Me: *types companyname.com in Google* Here Sir, your website is on the first page in Google.

Client: I very well know fraudsters like you. If I wouldn't have checked it then you'd have charged me for this later on. Here's your cheque.

Worst part of being a dev is handling less techy people than you 😫

  • 24
    Here is the formula: "Yes, [thing] should work in a few days, [other company] has [something about a server] but it will be fine."

    Works 100% of the time
  • 3
    And the sad part is...you explain all of this and get them to sign the requirements document...and yet they are still this fucking stupid.
  • 2
    Yeah, my I had to burn a few clients who tried that approach with me. So now I have it in my contract that SEO READY means preparing and ensuring that your website pages and select elements are READY for SEO ACTIVITIES ONLY. Yep some clients still don't get it. But it's not their fault
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