Thoughts on Lambda school or FreeCodeCamp? I have a full tome job, pretty hard to go to an actual university and here in Northern Utah, there isn’t a lot of dev jobs here.

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    Later in life I went the self taught and did an in person bootcamp at a local university. For me the in person experience was ultra valuable.

    I think everyone learns differently and you need to also know what works for you.
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    @N00bPancakes Did that make it easy to get a job?
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    @AustinThornley I'm not sure if it helped get a job beyond helping me learn faster. Not many recruiters really even knew what a bootcamp was in my area last time I was looking for a job, but recruiters and recruiting... that world is some weird voodoo that I don't understand ;)
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    The problem with bootcamps is that no-one (in terms of employers) cares, or recognises them - apart from perhaps a few really switched on ones. Some people learn from them really well, much better than they would at university - but you can then really struggle to find so much as an internship or graduate role to get your foot in the door.
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    @AlmondSauce Agreed. I'd say half my bootcamp class was unemployable as far as coding went (good people, just not good at coding). And they graduated just the same as I did....

    I lived in constant fear of having one of them interview before me someplace and make a bad impression and I'd have an uphill battle interview wise (as far a I know it didn't happen).
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    @AlmondSauce are you pretty much dating that actual degrees from universities are more useful
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    @AustinThornley Much more useful.
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