
I'm thinking about buying a small nas device to store backup and media files. WD my cloud and synology ds120 caught my attention regarding price and functionality. Does anyone have experience with them? Any recommendations?

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    My only experience is from a previous smaller project where we actually used a guy's Synology for our repos and other project assets.

    It seemed to work ok. The file storage feature had a dropbox-esque client which I used in ubuntu. I didn't dig around in the other features.
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    Got a PR4100, extremely happy
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    wd mycloud for the last five years. no auto backup options on pc configured, android app is slow and unreliable.

    but as a remote drive with 4tb raid 1 (8tb physical) network connection and access of media files works really well. can not compare, but also not really complain.
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    @erroronline1 I have a Gdrive mount with rclone now so really only use it for the hardware which isn't a bad bang for for the buck, especially with plex, emby, xteve installed lol
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    Quite like the synology. Got the ds916 and Ds215 and work well. Has a really nice user interface.
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    Synology demands a premium price, but the product is really solid. I have one, it's great.
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