Me right now.🤔🤔

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    When in doubt just "foo" it.
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    If it takes too long, just use a provocative dumb name for that variable. Every time you read that name you will be reminded to change that name to something reasonable and after some time you will have some ideas for a better name....
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    @EndlessJo Actually don't do that. I got fired from a consulting gig for that. Of course my variable name was "dogFucker" and somehow I checked it in even though I was careful not to. So don't go that far at least.
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    @deusprogrammer, I can imagine, but just name it 'tobenamed1..n' should work

    ** And never check in with that**

    If you have to check in, used some dumb reasonable, then someone will complain at some review and hopefully make some suggestions.

    ** but never use some provocative words**

    it might end your gig...
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    @EndlessJo yep! Learn from my mistake.
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    Time to dust off the "10000 names for baby" book.
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    It's a skill really, at this point I'm usually pretty quick at determining a suitable name.
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    Just load a random gfycat and use its id.
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