Guys kill me please...
Because git and maven are still under evaluation....
Am I working for the wrong company?

  • 1
    Clearcase? What?
  • 0
    @Cube189 I shit you not...we use clear case
  • 2
    At least you using something. They refuse to use any version control in my company. I gave up my last hope for humanity when they told me this
  • 0
    At least you use something, our build system is proprietary and shitty.
  • 1
    Moving from ant to maven when gradle is out. Hmm.
    We had a really big company (it shall remain nameless) as our customer back in 2013. They were in a huge software upgrade process switching from IE6 to IE7.
    It's always hard to keep up with the rest of the world when no one willing to take responsibility for issues caused by an upgrade...
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