For the first time I have enough seniority to say no to a request from another team...and it felt so good.

  • 0
    And how much seniority is that? I have never said no and I have 12 years of experience in the field.
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    @nickhh I am about 10 years in. It was the first time I said no. I am a reasonable bloke, and I will never outright refuse a reasonable request. However, these chuckleheads changed something about their code and then tried to tell us that we had to change our enterprise component to suit their change while breaking every other client of our service. And it wasn't the fact that they asked for a change...it was the fact that they had the nerve to call the change they wanted a defect on our part, despite knowing that our service doesn't work that way.

    So naturally I said no. And you know what, my team agreed and their team's boss agreed and chewed them out on speaker phone. And you know what, it felt amazing.
  • 0
    @deusprogrammer sounds like a no-brainer.
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