
This is an old rant from over 10 years ago in my first job at 19. I was tasked with turning off one of our clients email because they had left the company. Easy enough, logged into cPanel, job done. Later that day I get a phone call from the clients company asking if there was a problem with the email. No I said, everything should be fine, I did remove a 'joe.bloggs@blah.com' email address as instructed because... *reading job bag*... they had left the company. The client then said, that's my email you've turned off and hung up. Turned out he had been fired and no one told him. I felt horrible. I will always remember that conversation 😓

  • 37
    One of my workmates once jokingly said to a colleague, just after they got out of a private meeting with the MD, "Clear your desk then!".

    Turns out they'd actually been fired. Mortifying was not the word.
  • 58
    Perhaps he was notified by email
  • 10
    I work it admin for our company and I hate knowing people are being fired/sacked/let go. However you say it and no matter how big a tosser they are I always feel a bit bad
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD lol, now it makes sense
  • 2
    @ScribeOfGoD I am triggered I see politics
  • 0
    @Jase It is a joke. It makes sense when you realize his email was close

    btw, absolutely agree. If they are gonna make ya redundant, at least they must go through THE unconfortable moment
  • 1
    How is that even possible! How can the redundancy be legal without the receiving party having been informed??
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