
Pinephone that I ordered back in April finally arrived. Pic taken from the cheapo hold-me-over phone I got off Amazon when I destroyed my last cell about a week after placing the order.

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    Nice, how well it runs? I been thinking on buying one.
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    Whoa now gentlemen. Can't we be civil?
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    Lovely color
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    πŸ“How well does it run? Been wanting to get one :3
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    I'm awaiting the shipping of my pinetab πŸ˜…
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    legitimately wondering how this would work. Sadly, I already know that at least in the U.S it would not work well ;___;
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    @AleCx04 What do you mean and why wouldn't it work in the US? I know someone from the US for whom this works πŸ˜…
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    thanks for sharing
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    well, so far I have been able to send and receive SMS, as well as take incoming calls, however it appears I can't make any outgoing calls. and I do live in the US
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    @T0D0 I was wondering too about this. Thanks for sharing. The other thing that bothered me was the 30 day warranty. I understand they are trying to create a marketplace, but it is not very reassuring.
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    Was able to get outgoing calls to work by switching my network to 2G. it's a current issue listed for UBports.

    As for the warranty, I pretty much chalked it up to:

    1. It's relatively cheap

    2. It's almost entirely experimental, so expect a lot of work in progress statuses for a while on a lot of items

    My plan is to cycle through various available OS to see what I like, and what has the most community input. It seems like a more promising experiment than the raspberry pi was for me.
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    @linuxxx what @Jilano said, some features might end up being incompatible. I say this because I keep wanting to buy certain chinese brands that look great but have features that would not work properly or without tons of hassle in our network.

    I would like something like this for example to be widely available for people that are non-technical, which would in turn increase market share in the U.S and thus make it more widely available :( I really want more than just standard Android brands and IOS here in the U.S, but for that all features need to be able to work at 100% without having to be one of us to make it work, for the general public at least.
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    @AleCx04 When looking at how incredibly fast development is going, I think the community will be able to make it!

    Around January, about only the base systems were working. We now have nearly everything a general smartphone has about 6 months later!

    Not everything is stable yet but hey, this is ridiculously fast if you ask me.
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    @molaram you're taking dick pic aren't you.
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    Update: So far, Arch Linux ARM with Phosh has been the most stable and usable operating system with the device. I mean, aside from dealing with gnome, if feels nice because its most familiar to me now.
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