
Do they fucking use politics to elect the coordinator ?
What the fuck! First it was project managers that give you shitty requirements they themselves don't understand.
Now is being lead by a coordinator that don't know the fuck about anything related the field.
I guess I will just stop the f programming and join politics full team.

  • 4
    Bureaucracy = internal politics, so, yes.

    You can find numerous comments I've made here that state, "engineers cannot compete with people whose full time job is politcking."

    Also, politics isn't democracy. This is more the authoritarian form of politburo.
  • 3
    @SortOfTested @Meetife Very true.

    I gave up on the politics in my current company - the stupidity got really boring, very quickly.

    Just give me interesting problems to solve, and leave me alone to solve them.
    pretty sure most of DevRant agree with me.
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