
Is AMD gonna beat Intel to 5nm tho?


(god i can't wait for picometer shit, that'd be a good milestone to see)

  • 6
    7nm is the silicon limit due to electron tunneling. More advanced materials and processes are required for sub-7nm processes (carbon nanotubes, fe). So if they're doing it, it's either that, insulation, or marketing.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Considering it's pretty much an arms race, could be graphene or something? Probably marketing, yes, but one can hope.
  • 2
    Below around 14nm (or perhaps even higher) that number means very little anyway. It's entirely possible that a so-called 5nm process can be demonstrably inferior to a rival 7nm process. It's basically all just marketing crap that the YouTubers seem to be falling for.
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    @AlmondSauce i'm not really in it for the smaller size's performance anyways, it'll be forever before i'm not on my rustbucket Llano APU anymore anyways. I'm more for the part where it means we can push things even smaller, and possibly past silicon's possibilities into something else entirely, and maybe even *affordably* soon.
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    @Parzi Oh yes, I'm definitely excited for those times too - I think we'll see an interesting switch to ARM being the powerhouse in future, and I suspect that may drive a lot of competition to try to come up with something radically different, and better.
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    @AlmondSauce I seriously doubt the industry will give up x86 anytime soon just because Apple.
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    @Parzi The same was said about Flash.
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    @AlmondSauce we didn't replace flash? we just kinda killed it?
  • 3
    @Parzi Replaced by HTML5 and Canvas.
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce not... really? Not that I've seen anyways, it's all JS now. Flash was also killed for being insecure, not because something "better" popped up. That happened after the decision was made.
  • 3
    @Parzi An ARMs race, huh?
  • 1
    @Parzi JS with HTML5 and Canvas, sure. They go hand in hand, you can't really have canvas without JS.

    Flash was killed off by the security vulnerabilities sure, but it was going the way of the dodo long before that. If it didn't have a replacement then they just would have fixed said vulnerabilities and called it good, most likely.
  • 2
    Electron tunneling is a quantum effect
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