I have a lot of respect for anyone who can design a good looking website.

I can code like crazy. And I was a freelance classically trained illustrator for 10 years. But ask me to design a website and it's all spinning giffs, midi tracks, and Comic Sans. Some kind of early 90's geocities nightmare.

  • 7
    How can i hire you
  • 4
    The post-ironic meme industry is booming. There's high demand for your skills
  • 5
    Lots of my past clients would love you so much
  • 3
    This takes guts to admit. Have my ++
  • 2
    Well gosh😁
  • 3
    This. So much this. I have mad respect for designers because of what they can do that pretty much no one else can fill in.
  • 2
    I prefer 90s web design, I find it easier to read and navigate. Now JS is compulsory for basic functionality, and there's what I've heard called "mystery meat navigation" in spades.
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