Late in the afternoon right before closing time I wandered into a lunch-having nice little place. There was noone and my sleep-deprived self ordered an espresso. The ~25yrs old barista was kind and smiling and while I was adding some milk to my coffee she suddenly asked:

'Are you an IT guy?'

In shock I said: 'Okay, yes, I do wear glasses and drink coffe, but how did you know?'

'I didn't, but... my printer isn't working at home, can you tell me why?'

At this point I bursted out in laughter and realized that to most people I am a printer fixer. We all are, aren't we?

  • 26
    Or she was flirting and you laughed at her.
  • 9
    Next time ask her about her printer problem, offer your help, and go fix the damn printer
  • 15
    Who orders espresso and then adds milk? Pervert.
  • 12
    *facepalm* Captain Epson successfully protects his virginity
  • 1
  • 1
    I bet her printer ain't even broken. Her game is on point.
  • 0
    You should've at least taken a look at that printer.
  • 4
    @kvsm Sorry mate it wasn't actually milk but a tiny splash of cream, I hope this clears my pervert status!

    Guys, is it sad that it didn't even come to me she tried to hit on me? I have been in a steady relationship for too long time I guess...
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