
I made a GitHub Action which adds a "work-in-progress" loading gif to your README. 🦄


You can use it as a nice little placeholder especially when creating a new repo until you actually update your readme with real docs.
(It will create a new README for you repo if there isn't one already.)

ps: I wanted to learn how GitHub Actions work so learned a lot by creating this tiny action.

  • 5
    If it ain’t done, don’t publish it
  • 0
    @010001111 It's done for now. It is a very tiny module and it's job is very specific so i don't think i will update it with any new features .
  • 1
    @unicorndev I think he's referring to the readme files :)
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce ah okey. I created this for learning purpose as a fun little module. It's fine even if nobody uses 😊
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