Why is it that everytime, as a back-end developer, I want to dive into a simple front-end topic or technique which can perfectly be done in plain JavaScript, I need 27 different libraries and packages according to nearly all tutorials..

It really crushes my motivation and is just ridiculous.

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    @kalpitjain haha, I indeed exaggerated a little there, but I totally agree with you. However, sometimes people grab the nearest library to get the job done, while sometimes plain JavaScript achieves the same. In my case, it can be done perfectly in plain JavaScript but nearly all the results on Google included three or more libraries..

    But yeah, less code is not always better. Fully agree with that.
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    as a front end dev, I feel the same with backend! what are you trying to implement?
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    Libraries (like jQuery) put a lot of the cross browser nasties in the hands of people who have more time to deal with them than I do.
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    Really agree on the topic of jQuery, I see students implement libraries without knowing what they do or what they're for. On the other hand, I instantly pull Angular out of my toolbox whenever I start working on a web-app, because it's just so beautiful and saves me so much on so many levels.
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    I still mix in some straight JavaScript but the speed of development increases so much with jQuery.
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