...programming class at school. First of all, we have to fucking write that shit on paper. >.<

Then, my neighbor just copied my code, but Karma reks him, because the teacher asked him to explain why he used what he wrote. He couldn't explain anything. Just so you folks know why I'm ranting about my neighbor:

You were supposed to output this using a for loop (lets take 10 as an example):
"10 * 2 = 20
20 * 3 = 60
720 / 8 = 90
90 / 9 = 10"

He couldn't do it, even though we learned how to do it before and he said he understood it.

  • 4
    Best part of all: we once had to write a compiler... On a sheet of paper
  • 2
    We too have to write our code on paper. It's mostly 8 papers of innocent rain forest for their incapability to make it pc writeable
  • 0
    I find it easier to write a better product if I've scribbled out the logic in some pseudo code on real paper.
  • 0
    @sylar182 Can't you just write the pseudo code in a text editor or something?
  • 0
    @filthyranter I, and many others, just function better if I actually write it out. I have to keep plenty of notebooks around
  • 0
    @sylar182 :/ When I code for my own projects, I always do the pseudo code in Notepad++ (with custom highlighting UwU)
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