
Visual Studio 2017rc is so good that I'm beginning to hate 2015.
code preview, installation speed, startup without hiccups.

  • 7
    Its not hard being better than 2015
  • 3
    ++ for :/ in ErrorInfo.Text

    Havent tried 2017RC yet, good to hear good things about it, especially installation speed
  • 5
    Almost want to take away ++ for light theme though. ;)
  • 2
    I don't know why, but for me installation took not less than 2015 istallation, and startup takes ages.
  • 1
    Who the hell uses BBM? 😂
  • 1
    I didn't know they released 2017RC yet. I've been so frustrated with 2015. They jam packed it with features but it's so slow none of them are usable.
  • 1
    @darkcode light theme any day I hate the dark theme can't use it .
  • 2
    I'm gonna wait for the official 2017. I don't want to screw everything up again.
  • 1
    Btw, when did they decide to do away with the folder structure based projects and keep the project files?
  • 1
    I don't buy it! There's always a catch. Is Bing the search dialog now?
  • 1
    Bing is the linker now... it searches your code and replaces chunks with "recommended" libraries.
  • 6
    We can argue 'bout the light theme, but do I see A FCKING PINNED AND OPENED (I repeat IN USE) EDGE in the Taskbar?
  • 2
    @Kimmax Edge isn't that bad... except for lack of extensions, drag-and-drop URLs and poor bookmark handling. If they sort those things out it might become my favourite.
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