
Why are devs so fixated on other devs' IDE, OS, programming style and chair choices??

Imagine if every sports player would comment on the way the other walks, bats, the colour of their shoes!

Devs are a bit picky don't you think?

  • 22
    Usually I am interested in opinions discovering new tools. I try to pick up some tips.
  • 5
    @Jumpshot44 me too. I've learned a lot and found great software and tipa here!

    But my rant refers more the comments on other devs code and how most of the conversations are about one trying to convince the other to work like the first...
  • 12
    Sport players actually do that.
  • 10
    We're good as long as your opening brace is on the same line as the method header. 😁
  • 1
    @fredrf great point!
  • 1
    @suprano away with you heathen!
  • 3
    @fredrf while some people do that, most of us dont care what you use as long as you can get the job done. i have my setup the way i like it and i will tell people about it and show it off where if they like it they can borrow stuff from it. Knowledge should be shared, you take what you want from that knowledge
  • 1
    @fredrf That's all part of the trade, I would compare this to a professional chef having a good understanding of what is seasonal and taking a lot of pride in their tool selection.
  • 1
    @fredre and the other part re caring what other devs are doing. I thought that's just being human? Happens to everything else.. Music, food, politics. Part of being passionate about something, take what you want from it.
  • 2
    Style makes sense. It's like sports players comment on how another player plays the game. It effects readability etc
  • 2
    @brettmoan easy there, sir. Easy...
  • 1
    @suprano oops forgot the </sarcasm>
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