
Just got messaged by one of my customers. He buys a lot of scripts from me for his gambling website. He asked me to screw around a bit with the code so that of someone bets above $2500 they automatically lose. And they have a 50% chance of winning when they bet lower than 1000. He actually wanted to pay a lot of money but I declined the request, I don't want to screw around with scamming people.
I think i did the right thing? I don't care about the money though.

  • 21
    You did the right thing. Sadly, the next engineer they contact might not.
  • 10
    Imagine how cool it could be if everyone using that website will bet $2499 (assuming they saw this post). The owner would be so pissed off.
  • 1
    @cosinusdealfa What are the odds on this.
    if ( $bet > 1000 && $bet < 2500 ) {
    $odds = ???
  • 0
    @avstuff Lower than $1000 is $bet < 1000 and above $2500 is $bet > 2500.
  • 0
    @cosinusdealfa Yup. Your scenario was between the other two scenarios. Perhaps a randomly generated percentage between 0 and 50 is a good solution?
  • 0
    @avstuff I thought it was:
    if ( bet < 1000 ) that50percentchance();
    if ( bet > 2500 ) lose();

    I assumed that between 1000 and 2500 it's something else than instant lose, enough to piss off the owner because it's not guaranteed that he will take the money. Maybe I'm wrong.
  • 0
    @cosinusdealfa Your correct. Also, I think defined value, to the hundredths place, should be 100% win. Good way to collect payment if the client doesn't want to pay.
  • 1
    and the whole web preaches it and acts within these rules :D
  • 8
    Nah you should report that, fuck him & the bitch ass programmer who takes the deal.
  • 0
    Probably could have said yes and then instead of decreasing the odds increase them. Though even that can have its own consequences. Saying no is probably the best way to have gone about this.
  • 1
    As a good dev you should definitely act ethically. Just because you are able to use a gun doesn't mean it is okay to do it.
    Well done sir :)
  • 0
    You could have changed it so they automatically win. Everybody makes a bug now and then...
  • 2
    Please look up one of Martin Fowler's talks on goto I think he talks about ethical practices in programming .
  • 4
    You definitely did the right thing. I remember reading once something on like, as programmers we are the last line of defence for technology being used for evil.
  • 3
    "Look how ethical i am and how i dont care about Money. *rubs nipples*"
  • 0
    You could have put in a random number generator that would give people a random chance of winning or losing.
    Ow wait, thats normal gambling
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