Software company director: we build Java applications right?
Devs: nah, javascript.
Director: it's the same, right?
Devs: no
Director: fuck, I pitched a Java application.

A few hours later...
Director on the phone: Yeah, we are building it in Java...

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    Tomorrow: would the client be able to know if we did it in javascript?
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    @DutchmanDavid What is wrong with using js for applications?
  • 5
    @DutchmanDavid I build and maintain livestock and meat production software all in JavaScript.

    Might sound naive to use it but my unplanned downtime is a total of 0ms over 21 months.
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    Electron app
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    @DutchmanDavid in my experience this is untrue, as a "professional" who uses JavaScript on a daily basis at both ends of the stack, I very rarely find issues caused by the language itself.

    JavaScript enables a lot of people to make things, good or bad it's better than not making anything at all (imo).
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    @DutchmanDavid what is it that you think angular is used for?
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    @DutchmanDavid web apps are the future and the future is now 😬
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    @DutchmanDavid I build native apps with React Native... That's Javascript...
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    @DutchmanDavid I have been surprised several times by the speed and reliability of some javascript apps lately. Of course, as it happens with every language, there are good and bad implementations around and picking a language/framework depends on your requirements and available resources.
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    @DutchmanDavid there's also Nativescript, which also compiles Javascript down to native app levels. I agree that Java would be better for an Android app, but consider the fact that you can use (more or less) a 100% shared codebase between Windows 10 (I believe, could misremember), Android and IOS.
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