
Why would you say that your website should support IE?? Whyyy?? Who uses that except for downloading Chrome? You just make our lives miserable with that :(

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    Have you ever seen browser stats for any website? (I know you have) Then you'll have seen that there's ALWAYS IE in there and in significant numbers. If you want to maximise your customer base/audience, in most cases you'll want to have it work in IE.
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    I can name some large organizations.
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    Sadly enough if everyone keeps supporting IE, then those organisations won't have any real incentive to switch. Vicious circle.
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    Latest stat i saw had catapulted Chrome above 50% market share and taken IE/Edge down to 30-something, all in less than a year. 300 million users lost for MS basically over night. Thanks Win10! Also thanks to Google advertising so well for Chrome.
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    AFAIK, majority of Korean websites Require I.E. because of strict authentication procedures via ActiveX controls.
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    I have to support IE8 for one on our application.
    I'm a front end developer.
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