I've begun writing my own joke language called Die. Use it to tell your boss, client, or partner how you feel about them!

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    Already working on opengl bindings ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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    hahaha this is going to become a devrant community project in no time :D nice one though.
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    is there a 2048 command cap?
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    @cors Just for now. Everything is super messy since its just sort of being prototyped at the moment haha
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    @aki237 New libre-libre office calc coming soon, featuring Die backend confirmed
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    Is it just me or is it a little buggy?
    Die => "Do nothing" not inc 10
    DIE => "Increment 1" not 100
    diee => "Do nothing"
    Same goes for please

    But cool idea. I'd so use it xD
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    @darkfire000 specifications aren't necessarily what's implemented. Right now all that works is "die" "please" and "sorry"
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    @darkfire000 and thanks!!! tell your friends xD
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    Yea I just took a look at the source files. Do you intend to "complete" it? I think it would be worth it :D
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    @darkfire000 I do! At the very least I want it to operate as well as brainfuck:)
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    also submit it here when you're done :)

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    @cors oh thanks! I didnt even know that was a thing o_o
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    Just added a view lines to support Die DIE Please PLEASE. And sorry now prints the value instead of the char in my version. I can do a pull request if you want
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    @darkfire000 Oh wow! Thank you:) Pull request away
    (going to bed for the night btw, will get back to this thread/git tomorrow morning)
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    KK I'll do it. I'm in math class right now. So maybe I'll add some more. :P
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    @cors I'd also love to see it used in StackExchange's Programming Puzzles and Code Golf!
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    Starred. xD
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    I think your implementation of the interpreter makes loops quite difficult. Since I am new to C and saw some cool function pointers in your code I wanted to play around a bit. So what I did was creating a brainf*ck interpreter with overly complex function pointers and pointer casts.
    So the point is how I implemented the interpreter. I did it a little bit like you would implement a LinkedList.
    There is an Array of structs that contain a Function pointer and a next/back pointer to a struct of the same kind. The function returns one of those 2 structs when called.
    So all the inc/dec/print/... default functions now return the next pointer, except for the loop function. That one returns either the next or the back pointer. The back pointer is set while parsing the script. Also while parsing the fitting function pointers are added.

    So this is just an idea and I wrote much too much, but maybe it helps you I'll comment the link to it when I upload it to github.
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    Take a look if you want, but I don't want to force my ideas on you, so if you got a better solution for loops, feel free to ignore me :P
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    @darkfire000 Cool stuff! The implementation of loops is something I haven't gotten to yet, but this may help a good bit. For now, starring for later reference. Working first on finalizing my design of the thing since people are actually interested:) Probably going to introduce some more complex stuff like variables.
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    @Notebookdeviant maybe you could store the current pointer by keyword "you", and switch to a saved pointer with "hey" :D

    e.g.: 'you idiot go go die hey idiot DIE' would set array[0] as "idiot", move index by 2, increment, go back to 0 (which is "idiot") and increment by 100.
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    @cors I like that idea a lot actually!!
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    Not trying to bump, but thanks to all those who are deciding to contribute!
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