
These days are long days...

Not yet fully burnt out. Soon tho. And I am really looking forward to taking a few months off between this degree and the next and traveling a bit. ( That is, if I finally manage to finish this damn degree... )

  • 5
    I loooooove my current job. despite the pay, it's so fun. didn't know I'd enjoy being a researcher so much. helps a lot that I actually like my boss too.
  • 5
    ^ that being said, it drains me mentally so bad. Like, it's a painful love.
  • 2
    Ah yes, finishing a degree... I wonder what that feels like :(
  • 2
    @endor I've finished two by now 😜 (higher ed) But covid has a tendency to fuck shit up. Like, I'm in purgatory right now.
  • 1
    Yeah, I get it. Research (and postgrad degrees) are a bit of a minefield. There always seems like a ridiculous amount to do,and it's really easy to overexert and burn out if you're not careful.
  • 1
    @NoMad I'm still at 0 :(
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