
So I'm new to NestJS, Node, etc. and I just noticed that the guy working on the API made every request call a different service class, instead of using a single service class. For example.

get() {
return await this.getObj.run()

return await this.storeObj.run()

return await this.updateObj.run()

And I'm not sure why. He's also injecting the request into those classes, instead of passing the DTO to the method call. I mean, it's still injecting the data into it I guess, but it seems so roundabout. Something like this:

public constructor(
@Inject(REQUEST) private request: Request,

I'm scared, but I'm not sure if it's just my own ignorance or a sixth sense telling me that this is gonna be a mess.

Have you seen APIs implemented this way? I can see the benefit of dividing the code into smaller classes, but it just seems overkill to me, specially when there's a big chance that code will be repeated (getting an entity by ID when updating it, for example).

I'm still in time to kill this with fire before a new monster is born though, so that's something.

  • 2
    Just here to say that "return await" is a bad practice and should never be used
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