
It's so true I think everyone have done that :D

  • 2
    At least edge exists now.
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    That's the first thing I do on a fresh Windows install. :)
  • 2
    If only you were on Linux you wouldn't feel like the undertaker whenever you need to install chrome.
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    @bb6xt what do you mean exactly?
  • 1
    @linuxxx what I meant is if you're using Linux OS you won't even need a browser in order to install chrome. You'll simply run the command

    $ apt install chromium
    $ pacman -S chromium

    Even if you choose to download chrome manually you'd still be using a different browser than internet explorer or edge as those are not available in Linux.

    In a nutshell, you won't feel like you're making internet explorer dig it's own grave.
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    @bb6xt I did not know you could do that. I really should use Linux more. Any particular distribution you'd recommend?
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    @Nero try elementaryOS or Ubuntu if it's your first time trying out Linux. I use Arch Linux with Gnome but the installation process for Arch Linux is a bit difficult for a newbie.
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    You better download Firefox instead.
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    @Nero try deepin os. But find a GOOD mirror
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    @linuxer4fun A bit too late now considering I've already got Ubuntu dual booted with my windows.
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    @Nero no problem :) need any help on it? If u do, ask?!
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    @linuxer4fun Thanks
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