So im colorblind and i just recently found out that most IDEs use color syntax and it sounds like such a good idea.

  • 44
    Saddest rant ever
  • 17
    I wonder if IDEs have a colorblindness setting and if not one of us should make a package
  • 2
    @humanbonsai i believe most of the text editors let you change the colors in text coloring to any coloring you want. The OP should definetly do that if possible
  • 6
    The IDEs by Jetbrains(IntelliJ, PHPStorm, PyCharm and so on...) should all have a checkbox, where it enables syntax highlighting for colorblinds.
  • 2
    Try ilovehue to find colors you can distinguish. If you are entirely colorblind (pretty grey, ugly grey, very dark grey) I don't know what to do :(
  • 1
    I know they are many types of color blindness, but the fact is : they are so many color themes available that you will find one to fit your sight.

    My color blindness is a deuteranopia type, and, after many years of trying themes, I found that "Tomorrow Night Eighties" is the most comfortable for my eyes.
  • 1
    Thnks guys, ill try em out.
  • 0
    @chasb96 some colorblind people actually cant see any colors
  • 1
    @madrix999 i see a bunch of blues and very neon green
  • 0
    @RazorSh4rk sorry if it a dumb question, but how do you distinguish color names ? I mean how do you know it's blue or green ?
  • 3
    @skonteam probably the same way we do: he was taught that way
  • 2
    @skonteam i dont, but i havent always been colorblind and i remember some shades
  • 1
    @RazorSh4rk wait. It is possible to become colorblind? I thought that was a genetical problem and is not something you can develop. It is not actual blindness.
  • 0
    @OnyxDarkKnight Its kinda common to lose color vision due to physical damage, you dont just develop it
  • 0
    I'm uber colorblind, so I generally go with rather bland colours. Need it to be comfy to look at. Idk whst technical term is, but red/green and blue/purple. Kinda annoying, mostly because everyone asks me "omg what color is that".
  • 1
    @GodHatesMe you wouldnt paint
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