
How I learnt to Program!!!
Went for a University Project recruitment Interview in my 2nd year.
Senior: Which domain you wanna join?
Me: (as I was from software engineering Dept.) Coding domain.
Senior: Pointed to a table where 5-8 students were solving a coding question paper.
Me: (saw the questions and went blank. The questions were so tough, like check a number is even or odd.)I don't know anything in the paper.
Senior: why are you here then?
Me: (with full determination to join the project) Give me 2 weeks time, and I will learn all of it. (Didn't know learning all was never gonna possible, but that's how I started learning programming)
P.S. Yes, I got into the Project and was leading the Coding domain after an year.

  • 3
    I'm not sure I understand, you had coding experience and didn't know how to check if a number is even or odd?
  • 3
    @willol at the time of the interview, I heard only about printf() in C and zero coding background. Never wrote a "hello world" program. I only started to learn after this interview.
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