lol @ doing stand-ups for the sake of stand-ups. I used to work for a company that vigorously applied them. Bro, I don't care about your development progress. You're wasting my time with your bla bla. Bunch of people just standing there rattling out their daily progress.. but no one really caring. Not useful.


  • 1
    Yeah. Yeah.
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    It gets even worse when they start discussing solutions to their problems
  • 1
    Scrum is great if you are payed by hour.
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    I like standups when they're quick, I'm not a very big picture guy so having everybody else quickly explain what they're doing has helped me get a better grasp on the parts of the current project that I'm not actually involved with.
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    @theuser Been there today!
  • 0
    IMO they're useful if you're all working in the same domain and can actually give each other useful advice on tackling problems/discussing results but otherwise they're kind of a waste of time yes
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    @NEMESISprj Lmao, they didn't help me at all but they rather said: "I'm busy with my stuff, take care of your own shit".
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    @CaptainRant yeah okay, unsupportive colleagues don't make it useful at all
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    "I'm working on blah, and my ONLY blocker are too many useless meetings."
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