
What's your favorite style of indentation and why is it tabs?

  • 5
    That's a leading question, isn't it?
  • 2
    @spongessuck ++ for the irony 😂
  • 1
    I feel that tabs are quicker and cleaner. Getting fucked off with IDEs which try to combine intellisense and auto-indentation and then mess the whole thing up! Do you hear me, Dreamweaver? 😡😡😡😂😂
  • 2
    I just had to work with a sub project where the author thought a tab setting of 3 was a good idea. Didn't see that coming, so I first tried 2, 4 and 8 but still couldn't get rid of the alignment errors.

    And of course, due to the lack of meta settings in text files, I had to reset the editor to 4 every time I needed to work with files from other sources.

    Then, you watch the files on GitHub, where someone wisely decided to render everything with a setting of 8, so that everything looks like the pyramid of doom.

    And don't get me started on what happens when you work with languages having offside rules instead of curly braces, and the compiler needs to know the tab setting in order to figure out scopes.

    Tabs would be great if people knew how to use them without buggering up alignment.
  • 3
    Tabs obviously. Why would I want to press space four times when I can press tab once? What if I accidentally press space three times and my code looks bad? Tabs for life
  • 2
    @micropi I think you misunderstood. You always press the tab key, whether you use spaces or not. What we're talking about is an editor setting that decides whether your key press on the tab key is stored as a one tab character or several space characters.
  • 2
    Correction of my previous post: you don't always press the tab key. You press it for indent, then you add spaces for alignment. Though 90% of coders seem to press tab also for alignment, which creates alignment errors for everyone using a different tab setting.
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