We need a bot that detects green dots who added “India” in their location.

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    why exactly?
  • 10
    We've got some great contributors here from India.

    The ones that show up and have no idea how to gauge a community are pretty obvious without any additional information.
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    We need 2 bots to detect shiposts and downvote it
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    How difficult is it to allow rants only after 15 ++? They will have to earn that from comments and they will not be interested in shitposting after that. Not Foolproof, but definitely better.
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    @F1973 that video is both sad and funny at the same time.
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    You know I have complex feelings about India. A billion people can't be all bad. I do agree a large percentage acquit themselves poorly. The same is true of most places.

    I try to avoid targeting any particular group unless the trend is flatly overwhelming. It's kind of like how the Louvre has signs asking Chinese tourists to not defecate in the cigarette pots. Everyone has their embarrassing people.

    I've been working on a chrome extension to remove results from searches from sources that provide low value, but have high search rankings for whatever reason. It's going to feature custom lists that can be applied similar to how a firewall blacklist works. The difference is, it will be opt in, and I'll only distribute lists of tech sites initially that have to be added after install.

    Tl;dr my preferred approach is to give people enough rope to hang themselves.
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    @F1973 dafuq? They are just making selfies with unknown woman just because she's a foreigner?
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    @iiii Definitely for their FB profile pics
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    @theabbie but what value do such photos have? Like, they were not hanging out with that woman or something like this.
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    @iiii If you read comments of that Reddit post, it says, they brag to their friends that they sleep with them, and photo is a proof.
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    I've never been able to wrap my head around it. Young Indiabros seem to be unable to resist instaflexing in front of shit like it's theirs. Expensive cars, women, nonchalantly posing with bags from expensive shops, etc.

    It's not that they're unique in doing it, it's just that it's so obvious when they do.
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    Shitpost detection can be easy, just google the text and if Reddit is one of the top results, it's a Shitpost.
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    I mean, I do strongly support the right for people to choose whether or not they continue living. 🤣
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    @AkshayTolwani We can blame film industry all we want, but if people are stupid enough to get influenced by movies, they are prone to even more damage. India needs a Reboot.
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    Was participating in a bullrun a few years back, I was navigator for a friend. Basically amounted to running google maps and waze.

    We stop at that night's rest/party spot and go inside. Come out later to about 20 indian dudes taking turns sitting on the hood of her wrapped huracan taking selfies. She flipped so hard, I died laughing.

    It's whatever makes them happy I guess. Hopefully they grow out of superficiality. 🤣
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    I'm of the opinion you only get one go around, so it's up to yoooo.
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    @F1973 We were not blessed with low population, almost everything went downhill after freedom, If we could start again and majority was educated, things would be a lot better.
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    @AkshayTolwani Movies are supposed to be fantasy, they might have an impact, but not the biggest culprit.
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    @F1973 Unrelated but I would never need an app to learn anything in life
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    @F1973 Only the Big Names are known outside the industry, even I know only few big names from Hollywood, And being known is not same as being respected. Bollywood has 0 reputation outside India.
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    Byju just got a half billion funding round. Not looking good.
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    @AkshayTolwani I like unacademy in that respect, they nailed it in marketing. Making web-series and hiring everyone who is loved by their userbase.
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    @theabbie influence in childhood can't be consciously controlled. And even for adult humans unconscious part is pretty big anyway.
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    @F1973 but... but... white british opresssors????

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    @iiii Can you observe a pattern in all these creepy indians and other Indians from same background? Yes, Former is uneducated / partially educated. Education is the key.
  • 1
    @theabbie yeah, I get that. Education is important.

    Though I haven't encountered creepy indians and only saw some indian students where i live but never actually contacted them in any way. My encounters with indians are over the internetz and with pretty educated ones.
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    @AkshayTolwani I don't know, but in my opinion, you don't need anything else apart from your school books to pass 9th grade. To learn anything beyond school curriculum, you have internet access.
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    @iiii So never did I, maybe only when white people visit India, I have seen people acting weird to foreigners, but not that kind of creep. People are misusing this stereotype to make it even worse.
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    @theabbie as for me personally, I live in a tourist city so i've seen indian, african, european and asian people IRL but no one was really causing any reaction from me.
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    @iiii same here. I have met almost all kinds of foreigners but I just see them like that.... unless the funny "English speaking" ones. I dont expect to laugh when I hear a joke in Chinese.

    finding explanations for certain human behavior is actually a very wide subject on it's own. there are people who have taken that as a career so I just watch humans do their thing
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    @AkshayTolwani That's why I suggest a Shitpost detector Bot or minimum threshold for Rant
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    @AkshayTolwani We don't need machine learning for that, If it's an image, we can use reverse image search to see if it's a bad meme, or check if it's an overused joke.

    Can anyone define a Shitpost?
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    @AkshayTolwani If humans can detect a Shitpost, so can an algorithm.
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    @F1973 This makes me sick...tbh... It's completely due to lack of proper education....and their thought of considering a dream world as the real one...
    But not everyone is like them...
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    @Surajv You seemed like a shiposter, but you are on safe side for now
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    @theabbie The thing is I am just a day old at devrant & my first post itself met with ...sort of a trolls... Hence I did take some time to imagine what is happening here... But yeah I'm still learning :)
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    @Surajv This is a small community, be kind and get kindness.
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    @theabbie 🙌🤝👍
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    @Jilano what's "want out"???
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    @Surajv just don't post anecdotes and generic jokes in "rant" category. That's the thing that ticks most people here as the categories were introduced solely for the purpose of filtering out unwanted content (ex. memes).
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    @iiii Sure pal! I'll take care in the upcoming rants:)
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    @F1973 I think the issue is threefold:

    1. Any giant group with a shared culture tends to get awful with their toxic herd mentality. That's not country/race specific -- there's always more mutual respect in small communities where you can collaboratively decide on good shared values. In larger groups, your get more of a movement towards normalization of instinctual habits such as xenophobia, violent expression of emotions, sexual predatory behavior, etc.

    2. Indians, much more than the Russians or Chinese, feel attracted to the west. They learn English, so they're very obviously "present" (and easily identifiable) in the "English Internet Silo".

    3. The English-speaking part of the internet has its own share of herd mentality issues -- and reacts defensively against any "invasive culture". Unless your English sounds English enough, you'll be met with xenophobia.

    It's not anyone's fault -- Just people behaving along their usual natural but awful patterns of behavior.
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    @Jilano oh, now I understand now
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    @F1973 It's not uncommon on freelancer platform to see jobs where the customer explicitely states "no contractors from India please". The reason isn't "racism", JFTR.
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    @Jilano shame on you for working on a Tuesday
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