
Thank you Ubuntu for proving once again to be a usless piece of shit. Isn't the fucking console supposed one of your strengths? Once again, from the deepest of my heart, FUCK YOU UBUNTU

  • 4
    If the disk is full windows will tell you

    diskfree :c
  • 5
    *shakes head* never go full retard
  • 13
    Ehm, isn't df command what you looking for? The additional parsing if you need it is very freaking simple also. IDK why to complicate things so much...
  • 12
    I opened the link shown under Ubuntu...it literally just uses the df command. What tha fuck is so hard about it? Nice shitpost
  • 3
    Left: Do it this way, without much explanation.

    Right: You can do it this way, and it means that, did you know you can also do this?, and let me show you how to create you a summary.

    tl;dr: You compare two different text types.
  • 1
    @lamka02sk Indeed it is a guide on how to use the df command, that is my point, why the fuck would I need a guide to get the free disk space using the DiskFree command? Running it alone prints a wall of nonsense bullshit and running it with the -h paramenter (again, why the fuck do I need a -HumanReadable parameter and why the fuck it is not the default behavior) also prints a wall of nonsense bullshit. What the fuck is so hard about it? Well, what the fuck is so hard about printing "You got 100GB left out of 500Total" instead then?
  • 2
    @Manjia cli tool output is designed to be easy to parse and pipe to other commands, hence a separate -h flag.

    If you want a straight answer that exactly matches your expectations then you can easily make a custom little script that cuts out the parts you find irrelevant. Or maybe just use a graphical UI. The df command has a lot of applications and not everyone has a simple setup of drives.
  • 2
    Fuck Ubuntu!!
  • 1
    @Manjia You need -h because the output is script parsable by default, why makes sense if you remember that the shell is primarily for scripts.

    Also it isn't nonsense, just the partitions you have. And you almost *never* want x of y in total, as as soon you insert a memory stick or have a slightly difficult partition layout, the total amount is absolutely useless.
    On Windows you usually have "simple" layouts (just drive letters), but it is very possible to mount them at arbitrary locations, and then the windows command would likely print the same.
  • 0
    @Manjia The separate human redable format makes perfect sense as these commands are very often used by another commands or services and they need the data to be precise. You can't get precise data with the -h flag.

    As for nonsense bullshit, there is not really much bullshit. The first column is where the device file is if the disk is not temporary of "fully virtual". Second columns is 1K block - maybe this one is not so useful. Third columns is Used space, then Available space, Percentage of used space and finally mountpoint. Not so much bullshit right?
  • 0
    @lamka02sk It is still bullshit to me, I'm asking for the free disk space I don't give a fuck about the filesystem structure or whatever the shit. Is this DF command meant to be "be easy to parse and pipe to other commands"? Good, then where is the command that tells me straight how much free disk space do I have? It is nowhere, and it is nowhere because Ubuntu is a useless piece of shit.
  • 0
    @Manjia Its okay to be angry, but you should be barking up the right tree. df was made almost 50 years ago by the unix people.

    Also, as stated, df -h if we understand your requirements right.
  • 1
    @Manjia How do you define free disk space? Unused, unpartitioned one? The sum of all space left on all file systems on a drive?

    Once you have more then one filesystem, the latter becomes absolutely useless.
  • 1
    @Manjia When you are using the terminal it's assumed you know what you're doing. It's not Ubuntu's problem if you don't know how to adapt the available tools for your needs. Filtering df's output so it does what you want is one line of bash, and if you want you can define an alias so you have your own nice command that tells you the amount of free space.

    Do you also complain that you need to read API documentation because there's no "make a website" button?

    Nothing personal, just don't call something a piece of shit if you don't want to invest a single second to learn the tool.
  • 2
    @Manjia Dude.

    That has nothing to do with Ubuntu.

    And praising Windows for filesystem capabilities and showing "free space" is ultimate retard.

    Simply because filesystems is the one thing where windows is the most craptastic OS ever.

    I like the aggressivness in the rant - but the content? Ouch.
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM Not praising windows at all, just pointing that even a shit os like windows can do better
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    @IntrusionCM Also how can that have nothing to do with Ubuntu? I'm using Ubuntu as OS and I need to find the free disk space using the console, period. If the "best" way my os provides to do that is to use a 50 years old unix command which reqires time to be learnt then my os fucking sucks
  • 2
    I hate Ubuntu with a passion but this post is kinda BS tbh.
  • 3
    I didn't even know how to check free space in the Windows command prompt until reading this rant. And it kind of sucks. The dir command only shows the space in bytes (same as df on Linux without the -h switch) and the fsutil command requires an administrative command prompt. But on Linux I can run df -h just fine without root access and get a human-readable output.

    If you only want to look at one partition, just put the mount point at the end of the df command. "df -h /" will just show the root partition's total size, used space, and free space in a nicely-formatted table. Way better than the Windows methods.
  • 2
    @Manjia Ubuntu is a distribution...


    If you're using GNOME.

    Filelight if you are using KDE.

    xdiskusage if you like it ancient.

    So many possibilities.

    Just because someone posted a link with df - which belongs to the GNU core utils and has nothing to do with Ubuntu at all - doesn't mean it has to be that way.

    As I said: You went full retard - because there are many GUIs out there.

    If I remember correctly, even Nautilus / Dolphin show the disk usage
  • 3
    Uuuuuh...You went and poked at linux. Now face the wrath of the mighty unix men.
  • 2
    @thatDude nah.

    I'd do the same if it was Windows.

    There's a difference between not knowing and ignorance. First one can be fixed...

    And as I said: the rant showed very clear signs of having no knowledge at all, and the answers from the author that he's a fool. I'm not omnipotent, but an empathic being, and when someone ridicules himself, I think it's nice to sprinkle some love and knowledge, maybe the person isn't ignorant, just frustrated?
  • 0
    @thatDude You're right, I always fall for that XD
  • 3
    Yeah fuck you Windows
  • 1
    df -h
  • 1
    @Manjia I'd say you are right. Windows, like mac, is thought to be dumb proof (mac does it better).
    And frankly speaking, if it gives you the capacity to do what you need to do, it's great. And fuck Linux and arch-boys.

    Personally, the boundaries it set in stones are a BIG pain for my use. So I understand the system, and I must do enlightened decisions because I can fuck my system with ease. And I need to understand the runtime, Linux server, of my stack to do my job.
  • 0
    Under Linux Mint, I just click Nemo (file manager), and the free disk space on a file system shows up in the bottom bar.
  • 2
    just run df -h

    just like every result on google will tell you??????
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