Guys,i think i am getting fired

  • 4
    Hang in there buddy. And if they fire you, you will find a better paid job somewhere else :)
    Good luck bud! Keep us updated!
  • 3
    Being fired: meaning of begin the process of get a new job and It is exciting.
  • 8
    Get your portfolio ready, copy everything you've made.
  • 12
    Install hardwipes and viruses, make it look like outside attacker. Enjoy..
  • 62
    Yes, damage/destruction of company infrastructure is absolutely an appropriate response to being fired. Grow up, folks.
  • 5
    @alyx i like you.

    @bdhobare hang in there mate. You'll find something else!
  • 20
    Hello getting fired
  • 6
    @alyx if growing up means being grumpy like you, then no thnx
  • 0
    Congratulations, enjoy your freedom!
  • 3
    Why? What happened?
  • 0
    So start looking for a new job. That's part of the game, not always your fault.
  • 3
    When I saw your post it had 13 comments and 13++. Let me change the unlucky number :P
  • 4
    Thanks everyone for those evil advices.
    So there was an issue I posted earlier today( https://www.devrant.io/rants/324358 ) and i was called to the management. Apparently i am to see the boss tomorrow.Will let you know tomorrow.Meanwhile,anyone has a logic bomb i can implant in the app?.My birthday is next Tuesday and if i get fired tomorrow i want them to regret it on my birthday.
  • 0
    @bdhobare Forkbomb. Completely harmless 😉
  • 0
    @bdhobare so basically they saw your rant and you are threatening to damage thier property here, I kinda feel like you are not really taking your stuff seriously, first, since you signed a contract with these people means that you should respect it, second, it will be too easy to find who did what and then you must be ready to be sued, in any case, damaging the company work (or even copying what you are working on and taking it home) is not a smart move, if you get fired, then you start looking for another job, end of story but not end of life.
  • 2
    @ataqadi no one saw the rant.In fact no one knows what the hell is devrant here...The rant is not related ..
  • 1
    Why are you guys asking if they saw the rant?I didn't say that.Or did i imply that?Am sorry.devrant has nothing to do with anything
  • 0
    @bdhobare ok, then now it becomes an ethical thing (and legal one), also, if you use this username all over the internet, it wouldn't be hard to find your devrant account (I mean go search for it) then they would find this easily.
  • 2
    I gave the link because it contains the explanation why i was called.The reason is not the rant.The reason is in the the rant.
    A client wanted over a dozen changes done in a day.
  • 0
    @bdhobare I was talking about this rant, anyway, you do what you see fit :) and good luck in your next ventures.
  • 5
    @ataqadi Thank you. I have written an email to explain the situation to the management and so far all seem okay again. guess i overreacted
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