
Why do most devs use Mac? 🤔

  • 25
    I'm quite certain most devs don't.
  • 11
    Many devs do. It's Unix and you have really good hardware, good screen, low weight etc. It is expensive but worth it
  • 4
    Yeah, no, they don't.
  • 5
    Not Mac bashing, my main work machine is an iMac.

    But the majority of devs in the world don't use Macintosh's.
  • 0
    oh please ... are you really considering windows as an actual thing again?

    Its just a horror story we tell kids when they ask why mac's are so expensive
  • 2
    They don't.
  • 6
    @slaat Explain good hardware? An Intel CPU? Can i buy myself. Motherboards? Same.
  • 1
    Simply, saves time, a lot! i switched to Mac from Linux PC just 8 months ago... it'll definitely improvr your workflow.. seriously... you'll realize how many hours you wasted just "switching apps" or "opening / closing apps" or those "hang times"... am loving it.... you have to give it a try to feel the difference....
  • 7
    Not bashing (pun intended) Mac, but I don't believe "most devs use Mac"* is very accurate

    *citation needed
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    @vortexman100 sure you can, never said otherwise
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    It's the only machine you can do everything on, if you ever need or want to write an iOS app, you'll need OS X. A lot of devs still harbor resentment over Macs because the hardware m used to be way overpriced but they are quite competitive in price now, in fact my MacBook was actually cheaper than the Dell XPS 13 with the same specs
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    For me, it's just better. But ssh and gnuutils without some bastardized process or stupid third party tool is huge.
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    Unix that's it. I hate the hardware. I would pay $200 for the OS if Apple made it run on everything.
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    Depends on your needs. I like Mac OS enough that it's worth it for me. And the trackpads are AMAZING.
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    @Frederikam atleast in@mzgaljic which mac do you use?
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    @talha I have a 13 inch Macbook Air. I travel to visit my parents and girlfriend a lot on weekends so the portability is a must for me. Not as powerful as the macbook pros but it's still powerful enough for my needs!

    When i'm at home during the week I connect my air to my ultrawide monitor and use it in clamshell mode.
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    @vortexman100 you can't buy the optimization my man
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    @r0bb Like? The time were one mb were faster than the other are over. The CPU is the same. The GPU is the same. The RAM. The SSD is also just another NVME SSD. Yeah the case, or the display. But seriously.
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    @vortexman100 my air has 1.6Ghz Intel i5, 4gbs DDR3, and integrated graphics. I can run Photoshop with 10 high res photos open, eclipse with a project up in the thousands of lines of code and it complies fine with no lag, Spotify, chrome with a bunch of tabs. If I did that on a Windows machine with those specs there would be hell to pay

    Also bought it early 2015 and there hasn't been a single hiccup. You really have to try a Mac to get why people spend the amount of money they do on them.
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    This isnt about the hardware, its the software. Same things with linux. And Windows is simply slow and bulky. It is as easy as that. So in the end we agree?
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    I like GNU/Linux...
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    I mean I've never seen any people except for a friend who does it for fun and iOS devs.
  • 0
    I mean I've never seen any people except for a friend who does it for fun and iOS devs.
  • 1
    Mac is actually a lot like Linux and indeed you have to have worked on it for a while to get why people spend so much money on it, I bought my first MacBook Pro in 2012 and that baby is still rocking. Almost 5years since I got it. The only thing I changed so far is the hdd for an ssd.
    And I love the terminal because it's so much like Linux. But I think the most devs who don't have a mac prefer Linux tho
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