  • 9
    When I see computations like this, I assume they are already correct and never re-check xD
  • 6
    Math, thou heartless bitch
  • 0
    Totally nailed it! Haha superb!
  • 6
    Found error. Mason Lagart could've been watching this wideo in multipy tabs af the same time.
  • 0
    Maybe he fast forwarded it...
  • 2
    @arent8 exactly.

    He could also increase the play-back speed or replay only the chorus.
    Or just press F5 quickly and repeatedly.
  • 0
    It took me some time to get why 3:24 is 204...
  • 0
    Best rant all week!
  • 3
    He replayed concurrently using many browsers instances, and perhaps more than one machine giving a speedup of more than 6.5x allowing to play it a million times within the given period of time.
  • 1
    I think developers can find solutions to problems no one asked. :-D

    They still struggle finding that ";" though
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