Me: let's try to be a little social and make some friends and talk to people nicely

After 5 very hard minutes of trying
Me: fuck them!! where's my laptop

  • 1
    i say the last word after imagining the situation in my mind
  • 1
    @party101 I envy your ability to not care. I sadly have been indoctrinated to treat people nicely even if they are an asshole to you.
    And the worst part is if you try to shirk them off they think it's your fault.
  • 3
    @Letmecode five very hard minutes
  • 3
    Anytime I go off to program:

    "Where are you going? Trying to be antisocial?"
  • 0
    Actually programming has made my life hell. I believe am too much anti social and scared of upcoming interviews.

    After all, doing job for any company is all about teamwork but I feel communicating too resistive task.
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