
Never spaces always tabs👨🏻‍💻

  • 1
    Oh shit! I always use spaces. Why is that a big problem?
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    Oh, I read "how a recruiter reads your CV". I should try to use the default LaTeX font, I think most people miss that (although i use \latex somewhere).
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    @SaeedZeroOne for source, a mix of tabs and spaces is viable: tabs for indent, spaces for align. But I get that it's not what you meant.
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    Iam writrng a compiler 4 fun. 15p 4 me lol
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    @SaeedZeroOne I see. That's good to know. I know that pain since then I've setup all my editors to convert tabs to spaces. After seeing this, I thought I did it wrong. Thank you for letting me know.
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    Does a brainfuck compiler count too? ^^'
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    That is full of compilation errors (contradictions)

    For instance gives oositive points for coding in pyrhon, perl, ruby, php ... and the takes point away for knowung only one progrming language.

    So now using spaces doesnt seem so bad, does it :)
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    What about writing interpreters for fun?
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    A friend of mine is building an OS and has written a compiler😂
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    Dude I'm sure you use an IDE, then you should know that it maps your tab key to a defined number of spaces 4 for default.
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    @jpichardo the IDE we use at my company defaults to 2 spaces
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    @MattMatt ohhh really, which do you use?
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    @jpichardo openedge ABL from the 90s ( ._.) 2400 character limit per page so it fills up quickly
  • 2
    @MattMatt I had never hear about it.
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    @jpichardo I hadn't either till I started working here, it's not very powerful at all but we have an in house framework that adds a lot of functionality so we can do full stack development with only one language
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    @MattMatt that's cool, which language do u use
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    @jpichardo openedge ABL
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