I always cringe when I hear people pronounce MySQL as "MySequal" 😂

  • 3
    I cringe more when people call it.. Mysq.. Müsli.. Müscli.. Müsclee...
    Doesn't help when they actually get the y sound right.
    Too often it sounds like mylee or Miley then..

    I tend to just pronounce it My S-Q-L tho :p
  • 6
    Best pronunciation heard so for..
    MySqueel :D
  • 0
    @Letmecode well english here isn't the native language so that's probably why so many people pronounce it wrong. Kinda like pronouncing Queue as "Q-U" rather than just "Q" (my teacher used to pronounce it like that 😂)
  • 5
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    MySQL..! MySQL..! MySSQL..! MySSCLL..! MyAssCalls!
  • 0
    Another reason to use MariaDB
  • 0
    I say sequel and I have no fear of haters. If you judge a man based on how they say acronyms you need to reevaluate.

    *Drops Mic*
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