Should I go for freecodecamp or app academy open or some other free resource to learn full stack web development. Freecodecamp's explanations are starting to get over my head. App academy open seems great except they teach ruby on rails before teaching MERN stack and there are only three reviews on the internet I could find

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    @100110111 It seems good but I was looking for a resource aimed at people who don't know a lot or don't know anything about web development. The course does give links to a html css tutorials by mdn but that is not enough. Thanks anyways
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 If MDN is not enough then perhaps coding is not for you...

    Seriously, finding your own answers is pretty much the #1 most important skill in programming. A code camp is only going to drain your money and teach you how to pass an interview.
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    @junon Sorry my bad I was mentioning the articles linked for html and css were the html basics and css basics articles on mdn not mdn as a whole.
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    Best way to learn is to build a project you are passionate about.

    Not only will you learn the fastest:

    -You'll have a project to share during interviews and to put on ur resume
    -You can focus on learning the latest and greatest tech stacks. And not waste ur time building bullshit todo list apps.
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    @codecrow There is no project idea have or am passionate about currently. Make a website for family members ? Already done. It was built with a website builder a few months ago because I wasnt as passionate about web dev as nowqq and didnt know much and in my ultimate mistake had used godaddy which only gave a single page. It was used because it was cheap as fuck and worked. For friends one dev friend asked fir help on a projext so I gave him a backend with django because I was curious about the stuff back a year ago. Though I havent used django again in a year
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 you don’t need to know much in advance to benefit from that FSOpen course. If you want to learn the MERN stack, I haven’t come across a better resource. Plus you’ll learn TS and GraphQL. It seems they’ve addes React Native to the mix as well... also, it’s FREE
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    @100110111 Well I will take full stack open if you are not lying. Do you know any good resources for learning html and css as the course does not seem to go in depth on so I need to learn those seperately.
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 can’t say I know better resources than w3schools or mdn for html and css
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    Don't ever use w3schools. They consistently have garbage information.

    MDN is the gold standard here aside from reading the w3 specs.
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    Thanks @junon and @100110111 I will use mdn to learn html and css stuff and use full stack open for other stuff.

    Also any thoughts on app academy open.
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