
Hemmm Ps4 😂😂😂😂

  • 4
    You all do know that tech is pretty hard to restore after you submerge it in sea water right?
  • 5
    Since I don't have any GF, the choice is trivial.

    Like there's no coding software in X1 or PS4. How'd you want me to save them ?
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    PC, because I would code a bf and 3D print 'em 😂😂

    Nah, but forrealz I would save my S/O
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    I have no gf (or bf in case you say "what about your bf")
    So this is a no brainer for me :b
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    PC cuz fuck consoles... And I'm married, so no GF needed so fuck her too :D
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    My girlfriend definitely
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    Pc obviously.. wait..

    I didn't see the girlfriend alternative .. don't tell my girlfriend....
  • 2
    I'm forever alone so I'll say pc
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    I would say girlfriend unless any of the others were submerged in a water-resistant case
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    PC since I can use it for scientific computing.
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    Girlfriend even if I won't be in this situation... U know me having a girlfriend is like a vegan chuck Norris
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    Pc. Cuz aint nobody got time for girlfriend when you have webservers to maintain.
  • 2
    What kind of data does the PC have.
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    @UnknownDev I'd say whatever is on your pc now
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    @ScribeOfGoD Holy shit I'll jump right in to save it for my precious data. I seriously need to make a full backup of my laptop
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    @UnknownDev I didn't know they made porn specific backup drives 😉
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    @ScribeOfGoD I don't watch porn. But I have a ton of code, projects and torrents
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    @UnknownDev same. Almost 2tb's in plex stuff
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