
Yeah, stay there for as long as you wish, Windows. We have all the time in this world

  • 2
    I can't hear those rants about progress bars anymore. No hard feelings, but go ahead and code one yourself and you see for yourself, it's not that easy at all to estimate progress for the various tasks involved in updating software. And yes it sucks.
  • 1
    @tpiekarski I have indeed done few progress bars before, but this is atrocious. If you show a progress of 10% every few seconds and then when you hit 90% or higher it becomes a lot slower to reach 100%, I'd agree with you. But if it reached 100% in less than 2 seconds, and it stayed there for a minute or more, that's probably not what the user wanted to see. Fine, if you can't predict or calculate the progress, don't show a number then. "Please wait..." is better in any case
  • 1
    They might as well replace it with a random number generator.
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