As a developer would you develop a software if forced to that violates other people's privacy?? The question us should you??

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    That's going to happen either way
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    I would do that without being forced tbh
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    I mean what if all your video chats via skype were being recorded and stored
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    @party101 if they were sexual explicit... Everyone would say no... Otherwise it depends on who they are and what they are talking about.

    If you get caught your likely going to jail... If you do it for a good cause I would
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    I would not. I would rather explicitly ask the user that I would want to collect anonymous data for analytics, and wether she/he world opt in. But in places I work that never happens. But I try to convince the management why it's shady and not cool. Sometimes it works sometimes doesn't.
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    @FitzSuperUser would you do such in a normal consumer software
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    Well I think I have spoken enough
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