
Me: Can't wait to try out the changes I've made to the code.

Visual Studio: Let me compile your code from scratch so you can sit there for half an hour like a dumb fuck.

  • 6
    *30 minutes later*
    Compilation failed. There is an error in your code, dumbass.

    Literally me everytime.
  • 4
    @Ortimh true story
  • 2
    30 minutes?? How many loc and projects do you have in your solution?
  • 2
    Why i like Instant Run in Android Studio... Quick Hot swapping
  • 0
    Android Studio: " Bitch please"
  • 0
    @CodeMasterAlex 17 projects. Almost half a million of lines of code.
  • 1
    That's one of the advantages of dividing your solution (vs) and project (JetBrains) in modules (JetBrains) /projects (vs), it only builds what has changed, especially with dotnet core.
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