!= rant

Does AngularJS still have momentum. I toyed with it for a while on a side project. Since then .Net Core launched and most of my work (both day to day and side projects has been in MVC 5 or .Net Core)

I wanted to go back to tinkering with that one side project but it seems that some of the hype surrounding AngularJS has died off.

  • 1
    MVCs are not going anywhere. Angular 2 is new on the scene and a total re-write of 1.5, so if it was just a quick pet project in 1.5 - and you plan on taking it seriously, you'll likely rewrite it anyway... at which time you can choose between node or Angular or React or Ember. React is probably most used right now, but Ember is probably the best asset pipeline and the most stable - and likely will continue to be, through all the churn. It depends what your app does.
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    @sheriffderek Why did you put node next to frontend frameworks??
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    @Arlekin sometimes an app is so targeted and simple, that you can just build it with node and a minimal template.
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    I see your point, but i still think it's a tad misleading
  • 1
    So migrating from v1 to v2 of Angular is all breaking changes? 💩
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    @Eat-Sleep-Code there is no migration possible really...
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