
When you're helping someone with a bug for ages and then try something random and it's miraculously fixed so you have to spend another hour figuring out why...

  • 1
    Actual conversation:

    Coworker 1: "So what did you do?"
    Coworker 2: "X."
    Coworker 1: "But how did you know that would fix it?"
    Coworker 2: "Without X it doesn't work."
    Coworker 1: "So why did you try X and not Y or Z or A, B, C or D?" (basically an infinite number of other possible fixes; this is a workaround for a hardware bug we found)
    Coworker 2: "Well, without X it doesn't work, but with X it does."
    Coworker 1: "..."
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