
Sooo console doesn't work in eclipse?!?
#late #java #console sysout

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    @psuso sorry I wasn't clear. I meant using Console to take user input. My mistake 😩
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    @varEnigmatic I'm pretty sure you can type in there and it'll work. It's been a long while since I've done it, but I'm pretty sure you're able to.
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    I get a null pointer error @psudo
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    @varEnigmatic I would have to see what's going on in your code to try and figure what's up with the NPE, but because you're not just hanging waiting for input means that it's at least capturing the return key.
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    The error log? @psudo
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    @varEnigmatic The NPE is because you're trying to access the variable before it's been given a value. I bet if you ran it from cmd you'd get the same stack trace.
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