
What do you guys think about the comma expression in JavaScript? I'm aware that due to it's (to some) unknown nature that it can lead to subtle bugs, but I have at least one good use case for it and wanted to hear reasons why I shouldn't use it for similar use cases, but also what would be some other cool (not necessarily "good") use cases :D

  • 5
    I think that it's confusing, and arrow functions can usually do a better and more clear job.
  • 0
    As the other guy said it is confusing, but like 99% of JS is confusing so idk, it may be useful for some people but I think there are better and more readable ways to manage those comma cases
  • 3
    The fuck is the comma expression?
    I can't even imagine with the example provided.
  • 2
    I literally only use the comma operator in for loops when declaring multiple variables. Feel like it’s confusing to look at in any other context.
  • 1
    Splitting a one-liner to multiple lines with comments in between should be illegal. Is it common in webdev?
  • 1
    @electrineer i read up on it. As soon as you see the need to do it just don't do it.
  • 1
    Wtf why does my last comment contain a user tag.. sorry, that wasn't intended, must've been late.
  • 0
    I can't see how it could be confusing, it's clear and brilliant.
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